jueves, 5 de julio de 2012

Mali crisis: UN defers decision on Ecowas force

The UN Security Council has said it is not ready to back a West African intervention force in northern Mali, which has been seized by Islamist militant groups.

The council condemned the destruction of ancient shrines in the historic city of Timbuktu, saying it could constitute a war crime.

Libya election materials destroyed in Ajdabiya fire

A fire has destroyed election materials in Libya, days ahead of the first elections since Col Muammar Gaddafi was toppled as leader last year.
Libyan officials said the fire had destroyed ballot boxes and papers at a depot in the eastern city of Ajdabiya.

viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

SA looks to Nigeria, Angola to replace Iran oil

South Africa is looking to source oil from Angola, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia to replace supplies from Iran, which is facing sanctions over its nuclear programme, a top energy official said today.

Africa's biggest economy used to import a quarter of its crude from Iran, but has come under Western pressure to cut the shipments as part of sanctions designed to halt Tehran's suspected pursuit of nuclear weapons.

Mali Islamist rebels to meet with West African mediator

Representatives of an Islamist rebel group occupying northern Mali are headed to Burkina Faso to discuss the crisis in their country with mediator President Blaise Compaore.

"We have a delegation on its way to Ouagadougou to meet the mediator Blaise Compaore to discuss the crisis," said Oumar Ag Ahmed, spokesman for the rebel group Ansar Dine (Defenders of Faith).

domingo, 10 de junio de 2012

Australia seeks access to ICC lawyer held in Libya

The Australian authorities say they are seeking consular access to an Australian lawyer held in Libya after trying to meet Saif al-Islam, son of the late leader Muammar Gaddafi.
Defence lawyer Melinda Taylor is one of four members of the International Criminal Court's staff detained in the Libyan town of Zintan since Thursday.
Locals are suspicious about documents she tried to pass to Saif al-Islam.
ICC president Sang-Hyun Song has urged Libya to release the four immediately.